2020/2021 Themes for our 3-6 Montessori Homeschool

2020/2021 Themes for our 3-6 Montessori Homeschool

I am a HUGE planner and (at this time) I put together my own curriculum (outside of the traditional Montessori scope and sequence of materials.) It allows us to follow the child’s interest and introduce new things intentionally and follow the interest deeper when it 

My Yearly Planning Process for Montessori Littles

My Yearly Planning Process for Montessori Littles

It is no secret that I am a HUGE planner. I love to plan. Dream. Envision. It’s my happy place. I actually have to be disciplined about not planning too much–ha! I know that this is not everyone’s strong suit and that it can be 

Preparing to Teach Montessori 3-6 at Home

Preparing to Teach Montessori 3-6 at Home

Round up post! All the things you need to get started teaching your 3-6 year old at home this school year. As I begin planning for the 2020/2021 school year I am full of excitement. I’ve been planning to homeschool–even before the pandemic yet I 

2019-2020 Year in Review

2019-2020 Year in Review

This year we wrapped up “tot school” for our oldest and began the 3-6 materials. It was a fun and exciting year (and I am already planning for the next school year!) Here’s a look at what we did from August 2019-June 2020. Before I 

Our Montessori Butterfly Unit

Our Montessori Butterfly Unit

We have officially entered butterfly season in our part of the world. We saw our first one last week in the backyard. Our oldest who is almost three squealed with joy and chased it all over the yard. I’m so glad that I planned our