Montessori Inspired Creation Unit – Day 3

This is the third week of our Montessori Inspired Days of Creation Unit. Each week we focus on a different day of creation over 8 weeks. On the final week, we are focusing on the overall story/story sequencing. This allows us to focus on and really retain what happened on each day of creation plus we were able to unpack some concepts that we would not have had space for if we did this in a shorter time frame. I love telling the story and reinforcing the story in different ways to aid in understanding and retention. Our review time is often similar and the story itself remains the same. There is just something different about hearing it told in more than one way plus reading it in different books and of course directly from the Bible PLUS different pictures and story cards.
Throughout this unit we emphasized a few truths from the Biblical narrative of creation. First, God is good. Second, God created everything good.
Day 3 is land and vegetation. It’s the day God made dry land, formed the oceans, and created all the plants.
Note: The first lesson is also a lesson I teach to multiple children in our Sunday School Class.
Here’s what we did during week 3!
Lesson/Presentation 1 Outline/Resources:
- Pray
- Review Bible Verses (Working on the Romans Road)
- Story Telling (Narrative I wrote below)
- Sing – 1 – “God is Good All the Time” (We just sing the first couple of lines a capella a few times and repeat), 2 – “God made everything”
- Types of plants (discussion/exploration – on going)
God created everything. On day 1 He said let their be (be silent and let the children answer) _____ yes light. And there was ____. Light. Then on the second day He gave us ________. Water. Yes, water. Then he did what? (Pause and wait for them to answer then repeat) He separated the waters above from the waters below and created an _____ . Yes, an expanse (use your hands to draw an expanse in the sky as you say it). And he called it – yes the sky (or heavens). Then on the third day God made dry land appear. He separated it from the waters. The land He called earth and the waters He called seas. Then what do you think He did? (Let them answer) He put plants on the land! What plants do you think He made? (Let them list specific plants and then emphasize He made all of them!) And then it was the evening and the morning, the third day (hold up three fingers).
Lesson/Presentation 2 Outline/Resources:
- Pray
- Sing
- Tray for Day 3 of Creation (Pictured Below)
- Read The Story of Creation (Day 3) from The Beginner’s Bible
Lesson/Presentation 3 Outline/Resources

- Pray
- Sing
- Creation Tray Day 3
- Godly Play Presentation (See this video min 4:50 starts day 3; I did not use their script but I did use their presentation method. I used the trays for day 1, 2, and 3 for this.
- Art Tray for Day 3 of Creation (See Below for description and picture)
- Exploring the number 3 (fun, conversational + bring me game)
- Painting Fun – Blue & Brown
This was a more structured tray. I had blue cardstock for the water. I had cut out a piece of land, grass, flowers and a tree. I retold the story and as I did day 3, I pulled out a new piece then let my three year old glue it on there after the story telling was complete.
Note: Each time I use the creation trays for storytelling, I introduce the number that goes with it as well. (This is 3… then trace with finger even though it isn’t a sandpaper number.)
Lesson/Presentation 4 Outline/Resources:

- Pray
- Sing
- Days of Creation Printable from Green Urban Creative
- Review Story Cards from Day 1 & Day 2 of Creation. We laid in order on the mat (see picture) and then read new story card together – Day 3 of Creation. We used this for matching work and story sequencing work.
Lesson/Presentation 5 Outline/Resources:
- Pray
- Sing
- Read Story of Creation (Day 3) from the Jesus Storybook Bible
- Exploring land in the bible. I read this resource and created my own narrative (below)
- Introduce the Sandpaper Globe (this is the perfect time since we are talking about land & water AND it is one of the next materials in our 2020/2021 School Year Outline for Montessori 3-6!) I DIY’d this material. (Post coming soon!)
- Exploring the number 3 bring me game (if interested)
God has always wanted to dwell with us. Not just create us and leave us but to be in relationship with us. Dwell means live with. Just like we do our family. (Talk about how much time you spend with immediate family that lives together). God has used land to create spaces to live together. First in the Garden of Eden, then the Promised Land, the Temple, then Jesus came to earth to dwell with us, then He left the Holy Spirit to dwell within us, and later he will bring us to live with Him. He always desires a relationship with us.
Lesson/Presentation 6 Outline/Resources:
- Pray
- Sing
- Invite child to circle time. When it is time to tell the story or read the story, invite them to tell you. Let them choose whatever tray or book they would like to use.
- Exploring plants in the Bible. I read a few of the verses from this resource. Then I emphasized that the Bible talks about plants mostly in reference to fueling or bodies and fueling our soul. We discussed how both are important.
- Garden, explore plants outside, have active conversations throughout the week about plants.
We had fun with week 3 of our Montessori Inspired Creation Unit! What are your favorite creation activities with littles?
Hope you enjoy this post! Let me know if you try any of the activities.