Six Weeks Detailed Lesson Plan for the New Year January 2022

Update: I shifted quite a bit so I updated this post on the 21st of January.
My last six weeks detailed lesson plan was for September and part of October. I did a little look ahead at what was coming for November & December and that was plenty to keep us going to wrap up 2021. Now that 2022 is here, I am leaning into planning again and trying to get ahead (see a theme?) We have a new baby coming this April/May so I am really nesting. Part of that this time around seems to be prepping homeschool materials and planning. (I am a huge planner!) So I am going to get this outline done, then a look ahead for the rest of the spring, and then I will start my yearly planning early! I also plan to be ready for our portfolio review early this year as well!
Since I started pushing myself to outline this (not just make a general outline of topics, but a lesson outline) I have felt much less overwhelmed as we move through the Montessori Scope and Sequence. Focusing on six weeks as oppose to trying to do a detailed outline for longer has been very helpful as well.
Week of January 3, 2022
- January Linear Calendar Lesson
- Months of the Year
- Walk Around the Sun (Tot’s first walk!)
- Sandpaper Letter Games
- First Steps in Handwriting (Sand Tray, Chalk board initiations, Etc.)
- 0-9 Number Study (review sandpaper numbers 1-9)
- Tot School: I can dress myself (set up in room and showing her + basket)
- Tot School: Sweeping with broom
- Sewing Sequence on the shelf: Beads + Pipe Cleaner (Still on Shelf)
Week of January 10, 2022
Unit – North America Unit (Still on Shelves)
- Number Rods and Cards
- Miracles of Jesus Mini Unit
- Language Phonogram Sorting (Trillium Montessori Subscriber Freebie)
- Sand Tray + Chalkboard Invitation to write
- Sand Tray + Sandpaper Letters
- Sandpaper Letter Games
- Snowflake Study (Real Aloud, Drawing, Science; 2 days)
- Tot School: I can wash myself
- Tot School: Dusting
- Tot School: Introduce spreading knife
- Sewing Sequence on the Shelves – Sewing Cards (DIY out of cardstock rectangle)
Week of January 17, 2022
Unit – Martin Luther King Jr. Mini Unit
- Spindle Boxes
- Slavery in America + If I were a Slave Activity
- Storytelling (Martin Luther King Jr.)
- Read: Martin Luther King Jr. Book
- Separate but Equal Memory Game
- Martin Luther King Jr. Family Member Nomenclature Cards
- “I have a Dream” hand print craft
- Concept of Zero
- Tot School: Morning and Evening Routine
- Tot School: Large beads and string
- Tot School: More spreading work (knife)
- Sewing Sequence: Same?
Week of January 24, 2022
Unit: Artic/Polar Unit
- Antarctica Biome Cards (Waseca)
- Antarctic Food Web (Trillium Montessori)
- Physical Features of Antarctica (Trillium Montessori)
- Antarctic Transportation (Trillium Montessori)
- Iceberg 3 Part Cards (Green Urban Creative)
- Small blank chalkboard? (Bump earlier or later…)
- Moveable Alphabet? (Bump earlier or later)
- Sensorial Decanomial? Update Sensorial
- Tot School: Sorting Penguins by colors (preschooler can do words)
- Tot School: flower arranging
- Tot School: squeezing oranges
- Sewing sequence: Antarctic Themed Card?
- Early Weaving Work – Ribbons that are winter
Week of January 31, 2022
Unit: Artic/Polar Unit (Still on the Shelf); Penguin Unit
- Penguin Puzzle + Parts of the Penguin
- Cards and Counters (Penguin Style!)
- Penguin cutting strips
- Moveable Alphabet? (Bump earlier or later)
- Object Box 1 (Bump earlier or later)
- Tot School: Sorting Penguins by Size
- Tot School: Washing baby doll
- Tot School: Cutting bananas
- Tot School: Water Color Painting
- Sewing Sequence: Penguin Card ( could bump to next week of igloo is still popular
Week of February 7, 2022
Unit: Penguin
- Five Funny Penguins Book, Song, and Puppets
- Penguin Identification Book and Cards
- Metal Insets Penguin DIY + Matching Game
- Number Clip Cards (Penguin Style!)
- Sorting Penguins – crested vs. banded
- Memory Game (math)
- Object Box 1 (?)
- Tot School: Matching Penguins and Shadows (Preschooler may enjoy as well)
- Tot School: Dressing frame, large buttons
- Tot School: Washing Dishes
Week of February 14, 2022
Unit: Penguin Still On Shelf, Dental Unit; Valentine theme practical life and art
- Valentine Cards with Metal Insets & Pasting?
- Valentine Cookies
- Valentine Art Study
- Oral Language Development (penguins; following directions – tot may enjoy too)
- How to brush and floss teeth (practice on shelf and models)
- Tot School: Flossing Teeth (Large lego, playdough, and yarn for floss)
- Parts of Teeth 3 part cards and chart
- Intro to Golden Beads (or bump one week)
- Activity Words (may bump one week)
- Trinomial Cube
- Early Weaving Work: Valentine Ribbons
- Sewing Work: Heart Sewing Card
- Sewing Work: Beads and Necklace/bracelet making tray
- Tot School: Drying dishes
- Tot School: Mopping
- Tot School: Mystery bag
Looking ahead:
Looking ahead takes us through the spring and maybe summer. There are a few other things that may be explored such as butterflies, bugs, and gardening but this is something I’ve already prepped before OR that is organically occurring in our practical life and explorations of nature so I did not include them in my list. We also could encounter an interest and do a deep dive somewhere unexpected. We shall see where we are at the end of the next six weeks!
- One more week of dental unit
- Large and Small Numbers
- Full Golden Beads
- Colored Bead Stairs
- Tens and Teens Board
- Bead Cabinet
- First set of Puzzle Words
- Readers (Need to finish grabbing & make some!)
- South America
- My Body Unit
- Prep Reading Folders and Grammar Farm/Doll House Grammar (Probably for summer?)
- knot basket (early sewing prep)
- Sewing Board
- Braiding
- Stitch practice (stitch and whipstitch)
- Threading Needle
- bookmark making
- tying a knot for sewing
- Tapestry Table
- Tot school: cleaning windows
- Tot School: questioning exercises
- Tot School: More mystery bags
- Tot School: use of scissors
- Tot school: first sewing cards
- Tot School: nuts and bolts
- Tot School: dressing frame snaps
- Tot School: geoboard