Six Weeks Detailed Lesson Plan Summer I

If you can’t tell… I am loving the six weeks detailed lesson plan approach! I do my yearly outline and track progress in my digital portfolio/tracker BUT this truly has been a game changer. I am almost a year in to doing this approach and I feel much more organized and on top of things. I am still prepping a lot (and asking for help when I need it!) but I don’t feel like I am drowning in prep. I am about to go on “maternity leave” and this outline will pick up when we start back at the beginning of June (end of May really!)
Week of May 30, 2022
Unit – My Body Unit: Skeletal System
- Teens: Quantity/Color Bead Stairs (review/organic 1-2 sessions)
- Teens Board + Color Bead Stairs (also called teen symbols; 1-2 sessions)
- Moveable Alphabet Fun/Sandpaper Letter Fun
- Felt Body (Skeleton)
- Skeleton Nomenclature Cards
- “Bones: Our Skeletal System”
- Match felt bones to skeleton cards
- Label small skeleton with nomenclature cards
- Tot School: Slicing Banana
- Tot School: language objects (skeleton)
- Tot School: pouring work – dry
Week of June 6, 2022
Unit – My Body Unit: Muscular System
- Tens Board + Bead Bars (11-99; 1-2 sessions; note: some kids won’t go all the way to 99)
- Air Cycle Ballet (Waseca)
- Our Planet Collage (Waseca)
- Layers of the Atmosphere (Waseca)
- Tracing practice (Letter Families)
- Muscular System nomenclature cards
- 3D Model of the Human Body (book: bones and joins)
- Felt skeleton with muscles
- Human Anatomy Books
- Tot school: spreading
- Tot school: language objects muscles
- Tot school: washing babies
Week of June 13, 2022
Unit – Summer Unit
- Changing/Exchanging (Golden Beads; 1-2 sessions; parallel to the teens work above may move up a week if really into math first week)
- Getting Dirty (Waseca)
- Sand and Clay (Waseca)
- Layers of the Soil (Waseca)
- Writing: Square Board with Lines
- Summer Number Clip Cards
- Summer 3 Part Cards
- Summer Counting Cards
- Summer Scissors Strips
- Summer Sequencing
- Berry Cutting Work
- “In Summer Time” Poem and Tracing Work
- Tot School: Egg shell crunch (Waseca)
- Tot School: summer cards language
- Tot School: observe
Week of June 20, 2022
Unit – Summer Unit; *Juneteenth
- Wild Flower 3 Part Cards
- Wild Flower Shadow Drawing/Painting
- Life Cycle: Strawberry (sequencing and three part cards)
- Writing: square board with lines
- Anatomy of a Strawberry
- Strawberry Art Study (two days of paintings and one poem + tracing work)
- Strawberry Counting Cards
- Strawberry Ten Frame
- Strawberry Addition and Subtraction Work (use beads)
- Tot School: Color Sorting
- Tot School: Watercolor Tray
- Tot School: strawberry language
- Strawberry Patch Trip
Week of June 27, 2022
Unit – Summer Unit
- Writing on Paper
- Let’s Learn About Rainbow Trout
- Life Cycle: Rainbow Trout (sequencing and 3 Part Cards)
- Trout 3 Part Cards
- Anatomy of a Rainbow Trout
- Anatomy of a Stream
- Fishing Art Study (2 paintings and a poem + tracing work)
- Math 20 Frame and Counters (use teen beads)
- Tot School: Plant or Animal (Waseca)
- Tot School: Rainbow Trout/stream language
- Fishing Trip
Week of July 4, 2022
Unit – Summer Unit (Still on Shelf) & Fourth of July Fun (Light week. Wrap up any extra summer or math)
- Search for Ten Snake Game
- Object box 1?
- Introduce modified work plan
- July 4th Play & Art
Looking ahead:
- Linear Counting/Chains of 100 & 10,000
- Fractions (Sensorial)
- Golden Bead Addition
- Coin Unit (end of July/beginning of August)
- July 11th – My Body Unit: Nervous System (two weeks)
- Hand Bells
- My Body Unit: Organs
- Dance Camp
- Camping