Author: amandafrench

2019-2020 Year in Review

2019-2020 Year in Review

This year we wrapped up “tot school” for our oldest and began the 3-6 materials. It was a fun and exciting year (and I am already planning for the next school year!) Here’s a look at what we did from August 2019-June 2020. Before I 

Summer Essentials Workshop

Summer Essentials Workshop

Hello everyone! This month our workshop is called Summer Essentials. Join this group to see all the fun and freebies. Our live class will be in that group on July 16, 2020 at 8 pm EST. Can’t make it live? The playback will be posted 

Why our Holy Week Materials will stay on our shelves for the rest of April

Why our Holy Week Materials will stay on our shelves for the rest of April

Holy week is a wonderful time to slow down and revisit Christ’s journey the week before His death and resurrection. It’s a time to let the magnitude of His sacrifice and the weight of the burden He carried truly sink in–as much as we can 

Our Montessori Butterfly Unit

Our Montessori Butterfly Unit

We have officially entered butterfly season in our part of the world. We saw our first one last week in the backyard. Our oldest who is almost three squealed with joy and chased it all over the yard. I’m so glad that I planned our 

Love on Your Immune System

Love on Your Immune System

Hi All! This month I did a class on how you can Love on Your Immune System. This is my first class since giving birth to our second child and although I intended to go live to present this information, between my intermittent internet connection 

Everyone has to start somewhere…

Everyone has to start somewhere…

Just start. And instead of waiting until my site is perfect I chose to go ahead and run with creating and sharing content. One day this will be very clean and aesthetically pleasant with every page ready to go but for the next 3-6 months