2020/2021 School Year Outline Montessori 3-6

If you can’t tell, I am DEEP into planning mode. I’ve reflected on last year’s school year, shared my planning process plus resources for preparing to teach AND I’ve planned my themes. Now I have gotten my outline ready for the school year and I am entirely too excited about it. Here’s a look at what we intend to do this year.
Our Daily Rhythm
- Wake + Milkies + Read Aloud
- Morning Routine (Breakfast, supplements, brush teeth, get dressed)
- Morning Work Cycle (Circle Time then Free Choice)
- Lunch
- Quiet Time (Read Aloud + Resting in Room)
- Afternoon Work Cycle
- Dinner
- Evening Routine
This outline is an overview of what we intend to cover this year in our first full year of the 3-6 classroom. This is not a comprehensive scope and sequence for the entire 3-6 Montessori Primary Class/Montessori Preschool.
General Outline
Practical Life
As I was working on the Google Sheet for our 3-6 Classroom, I decided to review some of the lessons that we’ve done in the past two years. Not every lesson, but there are several that would be beneficial to review. We have gotten out of the habit of being careful and need to refine our movements and remind ourselves how we treat our materials and toys. We will also be doing quite a bit of Grace & Courtesy to start the year.
Items to Review:
- Carrying a Mat
- Unrolling/Rolling a Mat
- Carrying a Chair
- Sit and Stand on a Chair
- Carrying a Table
- Carrying a Tray
- Carrying a Jug/Pitcher
- Carrying a Sharp Object
- Opening a Door
- Removing a Book
- Opening a Book
- Turning Pages of a Book
- Spooning Grains
- Pouring Grains
- Washing Hands (We don’t really need a review on this BUT we are out of the habit when we are at home–we do great in public!)
- Set the Table
- Clean as we go (general focus!)
- Sewing
New Lessons:
- Opening Bottles (I’ve not done a formal lesson and she could use the practice)
- Opening Boxes
- Folding Clothes
- Sorting Laundry
- Mating Socks
- Dressing Frames
- Help put away dishes
- Make Bed
- More advanced food prep (for example assemble lasagna)
- Feeding Pet Fish (I want to get her a fish this year!)
- Prepping House for Guests
- Board Games (We’ve already done 1 and we LOVE it!)
- Sewing Shapes
- Sewing Buttons
- Sewing Embroidery Patterns (I have the cutest gift waiting for her to be ready!)
- Sewing a cushion
- Shoe Lace with Small Beads (She already loves doing the large ones!)
- Hammering Shapes in Cork Board
- Cutting with the next knife
- Preparing a snack
- Polishing Wood
- Arranging Flowers
In addition to this, we do quite a bit in our day to day. This list is just a few things I want to intentionally model and add to our shelves. I am certain there will be more off and on the shelf this year! Some of the most common practical life activities she gravitates toward in our home right now are: care of self (brushing hair, brushing teeth, washing hands, wiping self at the toilet, washing self, dressing self – but only sometimes!) pouring, scooping, dumping, peeling, cutting (with a knife, and scissors), snipping, feeding and walking the dog, washing clothes, drying clothes, dusting, cleaning surfaces, sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, and washing dishes.
Grace and Courtesy
I’ve seen this included as a subcategory under Language but Info Montessori keeps it under Practical Life (which really makes sense to me!) so I’ve grouped it with Practical Life. We’ve done some of this previously but we are going to reintroduce or reinforce again.
- Introduction
- Greeting a Person
- Thank You
- Excuse Me
- Introduction of Self
- Introducing Friend to a New Acquaintance
- Talking on the Phone (Regular and Video)
- Yawning
- Coughing
- Interrupting/The Waiting Hand
- Offering Help
- Expressing Admiration
- Walking on the Line
- Silence Game
- Acts of Service
- Praying (Out loud, Listening, and Silently)
- Asking questions in a classroom
We started the 3-6 Sensorial Materials this past spring. We have had them on the shelves all summer and she has still gravitated towards them when we were inside. I still want to revisit the ones we have already introduced before presenting new works. We have already introduced the pink tower, the geometric solids, and color tablets box 1 & 2.
- Brown Stairs
- Red Rods
- Color Tablets Box 3
- Geometric Cabinet
- Sandpaper Globe (Land & Water)
- Painted Globe (Continents)
- Puzzle Maps (The World, The Continents, The Country)
- DIY Land forms (Inspiration Found Here – I may change my mind on how to put this together….) *Move to Cultural?*
- Language Rich Environment (Mindful and Intentional!)
- Language Preparation Exercises (Oral & Written)
- Sound Games (Level 1, 2, 3, and 4)
- Sandpaper Letters
- Moveable Alphabet (Closer to age 4)
This is a broad subcategory under language that has further subcategories. It includes: art, music, dance, geography, history, biology, zoology, physical science, and botany. In addition to this I’ve added Bible here. This year we will be intentionally bringing in something from from each area.
- *Drawing (pencil, markers, crayons, and chalk available)
- *Coloring
- *Painting (watercolors and traditional/easel)
- *Play Dough
- Multi-step Art Projects
- Printing
- Rubbing
- Paper Work
- Clay Modeling
- Fabric Work
- Exploring fine art (on the shelves; matching, color work, etc)
- Color Theory Work
- *Exploration of musical instruments
- *Singing
- *Experiencing different genres and musical compositions
- Hand Bells (in place of the Montessori Bells)
- Piano (We are doing lessons together through Keyndergarten! Unit 1 is free if you want to try it out!)
- *Free Movement/Dance during songs (encouraged and spontaneous)
- Ballet (Weekly lessons and theme/reinforce at home)
- Tap (Weekly lessons and theme/reinforce at home)
- Introduction to Geography
- The Sandpaper Globe
- Land/Water Models (DIY?)
- Land & Water Masses
- Climates
- *Montessori Map Work by Bobbi George (We introduced this a while back and it is a favorite on the book shelf!)
- Child’s Atlas and other geography books (Will review and acquire as needed throughout the year based on interest)
- Continent Globe (Also called colored globe)
- Maps
- Puzzle Maps: Continent, North America, USA
- *Introduction to History
- History Exploration Table or Shelf Work
- History 3 Part Cards
- Physical Diagram
- Calendar
- Months of the Year
- *Days of the Week
- Clock
- Personal Timeline
- Walk around the Sun (We did our first walk around the sun last year!)
- *Exploring Animals
- Puzzles
- 3 Part Cards
- Animal Books
- Vertebrates & Invertebrates
- Amphibians, mammals, birds, fish, and reptiles
- Butterfly Theme
- Bird Theme
- Bug Theme
- Dinosaur Theme
- My Body Theme
- Compost
- *Exploring Plants (Gardening)
- Puzzles
- 3 Part Cards
- Nature books
Physical Science
- Seasons (Seasons mat, shelf work, sound games)
- Surface Tension
- Floating & Sinking
- Oxygen & Flame
Focus: hands on play, story telling, story sequencing, and scripture memorization.
- Getting to know God
- Longer Focus: Creation, Fall of Man, Flood, Daniel and Lions Den, Advent/Birth of Jesus, Holy Week
- The Miracles & Teaching of Jesus
- Scripture Memorization
- Language Objects
- 3 Part Cards
- Books
This outline is our general goal and while we will get through most of this, it is subject to change as we follow our 3 year old through this school year. In addition to this, I will be incorporating some yoga and emotions work into our daily work. Still giving this some more thought.
What does your 2020/2021 School Year Outline look like?
Need some more ideas for your Montessori Little? Check out these planning posts:
- 2019-2020 Year in Review (“Tot School” plus starting the 3-6 Materials)
- Preparing to Teach Montessori 3-6 at Home (Resources, Training, and Books to Read plus my favorite Montessori shops!)
- My Yearly Planning Process for Montessori Littles
- 2020/2021 Themes for Our 3-6 Montessori Homeschool
Hope you find this helpful.
*An asterisk shows a work or concept that has already been introduced and is readily available on the shelves or in the environment.