Summer Art Study

The art study that came with our Fourth of July Mini Unit was such a hit that we were excited to jump into another art study from Green Urban Creative. This was a part of her Summer Collection that also contained our Sunflower Art Study + Unit and more that we will use next summer.

Our oldest and youngest both loved exploring the art and recreating their own. My older daughter (4) enjoyed the color theory work initially but towards the end of summer, she wasn’t as interested in completing this. She did enjoy answering the questions about the painting. Out of the three, her favorite was recreating the pieces of art.

In addition to paintings, there was one poem called, “In Summer Time” by Paul Laurence Dunbar. I added the poems “Country Summer” by Leonie Adams and “The Lake Isle of Innisfree” by William Butler Yeats as well. The girls don’t always sit still for longer poems but I will read while they work or play sometimes.

In addition to the above art, we did Bouquet of Sunflowers by Claude Monet and Vase with Twelve Sunflowers by Vincent Van Gogh. Both girls really enjoyed recreating the paintings themselves. We had a cute little poem called “The Little Plant” by Kate Lousie Brown that came with the Sunflower Art Study from Green Urban Creative. She paired with with a black and white image of the progression of the sunflower Lifecyle from seed to sunflower. I used it in circle time the day I initially modeled the sunflower’s lifecycle. In addition to this we did: an excerpt from “Sunflower Sutra” by Allen Ginsberg (definitely needs to be an excerpt for littles!), and “Ah! Sunflower” by William Blake. These are read first during our morning circle time and then again anytime requested. Sometimes we like to read some poetry to the girls in the evening too.

To wrap up our summer art study, we used Montessori Inspired’s By the Seashore Bundle. We had these out to explore on the shelf, and as inspiration to create our own ocean art. Both of the girls absolutely loved these. It was fun to just appreciate the beauty and to also recreate our own. We also did some color matching work with our Color Tablets.
I love bringing in fine art to explore, recreate, and think about. Since we are a little burnt out on the theory work, I made our fall art study with just the images and composers. Feel free to use it in your homeschool!