Ocean Unit
This was supposed to be a mini unit…. how can you do a mini unit on oceans when there is so many fun things to explore and learn!?! Each unit this summer I have planned more and more for both girls instead of just my …
Loving & leading
This was supposed to be a mini unit…. how can you do a mini unit on oceans when there is so many fun things to explore and learn!?! Each unit this summer I have planned more and more for both girls instead of just my …
I can’t believe it is already time to put together our Year in Review! We have had so much fun this year. We wrapped up our first full year in the 3-6 Montessori materials officially this past March and I am putting the finishing touches …
We have not yet started the Montessori 3-6 Math Materials in our home but we LOVE counting so I have included DIY Montessori Cards and Counters on the shelf on and off. The counters are popular (for a bit!) but not the cards. We are …
We are officially turning in our first portfolio for homeschool this year! I am early, but I want to ensure that I am tracking well for the entire 3-6 classroom (aka Preschool + Kindergarten and honestly first-grade level as well). The Montessori scope and sequence …
This is the third post in our Christmas gift idea series. We shared our tried and true items that we recommend for Montessori littles. Many of these items will be in rotation in our home for years to come. We also shared our Montessori Inspired …
In Montessori we follow the interests of the child. This means allowing the child to dive deeper into their interests. We pull their interests into as many works as we can and fill our shelves, walls, bookshelves, and adventures exploring their fascination. A common misconception …
Anyone else already thinking about Christmas? In our house we like to spread out expenses like materials and toys over time instead of buying them all at once. This includes Christmas for sure so I’ve got to get organized. As I was going through our …
This is the fourth week of our Montessori Inspired Days of Creation Unit. Each week we focus on a different day of creation over 8 weeks. On the final week, we are focusing on the overall story/story sequencing. This allows us to focus on and …
The what & why behind this Montessori concept “Follow the child” is a common Montessori phrased used by educators and parents alike. This concept has resonated with me from first encountering the educational pedagogy fifteen years ago in my undergraduate work. I knew that if …
We have officially entered butterfly season in our part of the world. We saw our first one last week in the backyard. Our oldest who is almost three squealed with joy and chased it all over the yard. I’m so glad that I planned our …